Where we work

VFA works within “The 10/40 Window.” The 10/40 Window”  stretches from West Africa across Asia between the 10 and 40 degree north latitudes.   Known as “The Resistant Belt” it is home to 86% of all unreached people groups in the world. For actual statistics: Joshua Project (www.joshuaproject.net).


God is building His Kingdom, also during these desperate times in Afghanistan.  You can be a part!

VFA needs engineers, doctors, dentists, project managers, office administrators, accountants, etc.


In Bhutan VFA has adopted the “Layap” people group.

The Layap are a completely unreached people group that live in the far north in the Bhutanese mountains. The queen of Bhutan wrote a book “A portrait of Bhutan” in which she writes about the Layap:

“There is a legend about the origin of the Layap and especially about their unique way of dressing. It is said that the Layap originally lived in the south of Tibet in a region that sometime during the 15th century was visited by a series of catastropies. Obviously the area had come under a terrible curse. How could this terrible curse be broken?



From 1975- 1978 this Buddhist country  suffered one of the worst mass murders of this past century under the extreme marxist Red Khmer regime. After the Vietnamese army defeated the Red Khmer, there still continued a civil war between 4 warring factions until 1991. Only after 1993 the situation in this politically unstable country calmed down.

We need English teachers, social workers, church planters.


North India: A land of incredible contrasts. According to “Operation World” India tops the list as the country with the most mega-sized unreached people groups. Most of these unreached  are concentrated in a belt sweeping across North India. Although Muslims make up only 12% of India´s population, more Muslims live inside India than in Pakistan.

VFA partners with ministries in Gujarat, Varanasi U.P., and in North Bengal.


Our partner in Bali, Indonesia, had such a burden on his heart for the many unreached tribal groups on the islands around him that he asked to be released from his pastor position in order to become a full time missionary.   Researching these areas, he has identified 16 villages on three islands.  VFA is committed to assist him in his vision of reaching out to these unreached.

These children, in a “Learning House,” discover they can be like trees planted by streams of water!  (Ps 1: 3)  Besides children´s work a “Learning House” offers music, English and tutoring classes, a point of contact to the unreached around.


“They will look on me, the one they have pierced…”

Zech 12:10b

VFA`s partner organisation in Israel is Philippus Dienst


Kurds are found in North Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran. It is the biggest people group of the world that has no nation of its own. Iraqi Kurdistan was granted a measure of autonomy in 1970 and there is also a province in Iran called Kurdistan. VFA supports work in the camps among the Yazidi and Arab refugees who fled before the 2014 ISIS terror wave. A women’s center with kindergarten cares for the women set free from ISIS captivity.

VFA needs Bible teachers, church planters, intercessors and project leaders.


The 2.8 million Mongols live in an independent democracy only since 1992 and they are doing their best to catch up! There are churches in the capital, Ulaan Bataar, and Mongolia is already a “sending nation.”  VFA’s work is concentrated on the unreached reindeer people, the Tsaan, and the Darkhad Tribe, both living in the remote northern border areas. There is a Bible in the Tuvan language but no church.

VFA needs outreach participants who can ride horse, don´t mind camping in tents and who have a heart for pioneer work among the unreached.


96% of its population of 150 million is Muslim. An Islamic Republic, the government has been pursuing a policy of Islamization of the legal system, taxation and public life, despite widespread popular misgivings. This has resulted in extreme excesses in the persecution of Christians under the infamous “Blasphemy Law”. According to this law it is forbidden to speak against the Koran or the Prophet Mohammed, under the sentence of death.

VFA´s partner organisation in Lahore is active throughout the country with a preaching and teaching ministry. In their center  discipleship training and counseling is offered.

In Peshawar our partner organisations are active in relief help for refugees, flood and earthquake victims. In the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, the former Northwest Frontier Province, VFA supports the local Christian church.


There are many Christians in this country, and many are willing to go where there are unreached peoples. They generally have a high level of education and many are highly qualified. This nation has a great potential for sending out workers to the Harvest.

VFA´s partner organistion Bethesda Barachah is involved with community development projects, working to break the cycle of poverty AND is “Mobilizing for Missions”!

Sri Lanka

Once a peaceful island paradise, this country has suffered 25 years of civil war between terribly embittered Tamils (Hindus or Muslims) and Singhalese (Buddhists) from 1982 til 2009. In the midst of the break-down of order, the Buddhist clergy has been making moves to strengthen its influence on the government, by introducing changes in the constitution that favour Buddhism as a religion. Since then persecution of Christians and other minorities has drastically increased.

VFA partners with church-planting movements in Sri Lanka.


This Buddhist nation is dedicated to the peacock god, Siam, and the city Bangkok has been labelled “the sin capital of Asia” with every second person involved in some way in the sex trade. Even though churches and missionaries enjoy relative freedom, the Thai church has remained small and weak.

VFA´s activity in Thailand involves intercession, evangelisation in the marketplaces, on the streets and through house visitations, establishing groups of witnessing believers.

VFA needs: church workers who preach, teach, evangelize and worship.

VFA works in the following 10/40 Window countries: Afghanistan, Bhutan, CambodiaIndia, Indonesia, Israel, Kurdistan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Vanuatu.